Meeting with the Architect

We met with the Architect and client today to check out the building site so we could prepare a quote.

As the builder, it is necessary and important to;
a) meet the client, and;
b) gauge the full scope of works before we could price the job.

The job itself, was in a multistorey building in Darlinghurst that required a total apartment renovation, including two two bathrooms, kitchen, plus new joinery.

The client won’t be living there but care still needs to be taken. Floor protection is a must, as is the use of multiple drop sheets to cover valuable furnishings.

As the job is in a multistorey building the handling of building materials and products are a major consideration – that is getting building products from the loading dock up to the apartment.

The question is, will that extra large lounge suite, or bedroom furniture fit in the lift? If not, will it fit in the stair well to be carried up, or can it be disassembled and reassembled once in the apartment. I have seen particularly large pieces airlifted using a helicopter, but that is another story.

Logistics is certainly one thing to keep in mind. Otherwise, that special piece of furniture you thought would fit perfectly just might end up on the street looking for a new home.

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